Baya Room Fitout Concept Design

July 19, 2024

A new space for collaboration, celebration & decolonisation for the Redfern Legal Centre team

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The design for the Baya Room was developed in close collaboration with, not only to meet their operational needs, but also to celebrate the unique culture & identity of the Redfern Legal Centre team.At our last workshop, we heard that the space needed to accommodate multiple smaller meeting spaces that were visually & acoustically treated to allow for multiple teams to use the space at the same time.The design & colour palette celebrates RLC's identity as well as decolonising the Colonial style Redfern Town Hall by integrating First Nations art & symbols into the space. Practically, the design was designed to minimise impact on the existing heritage fabric of the Town Hall by separating the space through a freestanding timber frame enclosure.We are look forward to realising this vision together soon! Follow us for more updates!

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