Saving the Gardens




Community Connections

The Waterloo Community Gardens, Solander, Marton & Cook Gardens, were proposed and established by the residents of Waterloo Public Housing Estate in 1995. The gardens have been maintained and expanded by the residents over the last 25 years as the Waterloo Residents Market Gardens Incorporated. They hold significant historic and community significance to the residents of Waterloo Estate.

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Documenting Community History & Impact

We were asked by WRMGI to document the history, design, and the positive impact of the gardens on the community in an effort to advocate for their retention into the future after the redevelopment.

Our support included:

  • Organising visits to the Gardens to take measurements and photos, with residents and external volunteers.
  • Measuring and documenting the plans of the gardens.
  • Researching the history of the gardens told through written records and stories told by the residents.
  • Our findings were compiled into a report advocating for the gardens to be saved from demolition and retained through the redevelopment. This was then submitted to the State government.
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Saving the Gardens for the Future

With the support and advocacy efforts of Waterloo Public Housing Action Group, the topic of community gardens were front and center throughout the official visioning and consultation process. The desire for and retention of the community gardens were reflected in the redevelopment plans.

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