Generation Rent




Struggling to keep a roof over your head is now the reality for most Young Australians in Australia. Living in overcrowded, poor quality, and expensive housing is considered a rite of passage for young Australians. It is considered ‘normal’ and acceptable for young Australians to live in bad quality, overcrowded housing but unacceptable for older Australians to live under the same conditions. Young Australians do not receive the same level of government support to access safe and affordable housing.

The conditions for young Australians are vastly different to other generations before them, they no longer have the hope of ‘the Great Australian dream’, to own their own home and start a family. Most face a future shut-out of homeownership and likely retiring into poverty.

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Our documentary film "Generation Rent" aims to share true stories of how young Australians are living through this generational crisis, from the powerlessness of being a private renting, floating in and out of homeless situations, and the loss of hope for ever owning a home and starting a family.

The documentary will call for immediate action must be taken by our political leaders to ensure young Australians have access to safe and affordable housing, and address the ticking intergenerational time-bomb that is “Generation Rent”.

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Living in overcrowded, poor quality, expensive housing SHOULD NOT be considered a ‘rite of passage’ for young Australians. We want to change public opinion and convince political leaders to take immediate action to ensure all young Australians have access to good quality, affordable housing.

The key actions we want political leaders to take are:

  1. More financial and services support provided to Young Australians (18-24yo) to access secure, affordable and good quality housing in Australia.
  2. Increased tenant protections, such as ending no-ground evictions, increased notice period and stronger enforcement landlord responsibilities for maintenance and repair.
  3. Increased funding to build social and affordable housing and improve overall housing affordability for all Australians.
  4. Increased funding for youth homelessness shelters, youth-specific community and social housing and services.

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